How Does Botox Work For Migraines

How Does Botox Work For Migraines?

This may sound weird to some. But for the past few years, a lot of people have been wondering if Botox works for migraines.

And if you know just how bad migraines can get, you’ll understand why people look for just about any relief they can get. But how does Botox work for migraines? Read on to find out!

Does Botox Help Relieve Migraines?

And yes, it is true that Botox can help relieve chronic migraines. In 2010, it was approved for adults who have a history of migraine headaches. And also for those who have headaches for more than 15 days a month.

Other Uses For Botox

When we hear the term Botox, our mind immediately goes to dermatology. It’s a treatment famous for helping to smooth out wrinkles and relax the muscles in the face.

However, Botox is useful for other things as well. Aside from treating migraines, Botox is also used to help people with nerve diseases such as cerebral palsy. Botox helps manage and control tics and spasms.

How Does Botox Work For Migraines?

As for treating migraines, Botox helps block chemicals that carry pain signals from your brain. It serves as a roadblock for these neurotransmitters and stops the chemicals before they get to the nerve endings.

Several studies have shown that people who had shots of Botox experience less chronic migraine headaches. The results were, quite frankly, astounding.

For some people, the number of days they had a headache was cut in half. For others, they were able to have pain-free days each month.

When you choose to use Botox as a treatment for migraines, your doctor will administer the shots. The usual recommendation is to get several shots of Botox around your neck and head. You’ll get these once every three months.

Each side of your head will get an equal number of shots. All in all, you may need to get somewhere between 30 to 40 shots of Botox.

You can feel and experience the results in just 2-3 weeks after your first treatment. Remember that Botox treatment for migraines is not for everyone. But, for many, this treatment can help prevent the pain from migraines.

A doctor will need to prescribe this treatment for you. And you should only get this treatment if your doctor recommends it.

Even more than that, you should only get this treatment from a licensed doctor. One who has the training and experience to administer these shots for those who have chronic migraine headaches. Getting it from a doctor who’s trained for cosmetology is not going to be effective.

After getting several shots of Botox for chronic migraine headache, you may feel some side effects. This includes pain in the neck and minor headaches. These are common side effects that a lot of people experience during the first few weeks.

More side effects include an allergic reaction to Botox. However, it is very rare. Allergic reaction symptoms could include hives, swelling in your lower legs and shortness of breath.

Guide to Migraines

This article is part of our Guide to Migraine Treatments and Causes.

Check out the next topic in this series: What Triggers an Ocular Migraine?

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