How To Identify Scabies Rashes

Do you have an extremely itchy rash?

There are a lot of things that can cause this, one of which is scabies.

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If you’re worried you or a loved one may have scabies, in this article we’ll look at how to identify scabies rashes, risk factors for scabies as well as how to prevent scabies.

How To Identify Scabies Rashes

When the scabies rash first appears, it is often mistaken for some other skin issue such as acne or mosquito bites.

One thing that can set scabies apart from other rashes or skin irritations is the relentless itching it causes. This itching is often worse at night.

Another telltale sign of scabies is the presence of skin-colored or grayish-white tracks or raised lines in the skin. These are caused by the female mites that cause scabies tunneling just under the skin surface to create a burrow.

While scabies can appear anywhere, some of the most common places on the body scabies occur are:

  • Between the fingers
  • Armpits
  • Around the breasts
  • Around the male genitals
  • Waist
  • Inner elbows
  • Knees
  • Buttocks
  • Inside of wrists
  • Soles of feet

Scabies Risk Factors

Scabies is caused by an infestation of tiny (microscopic) mites in the skin.

These mites are spread by people, not animals.

The mites are highly contagious so the biggest risk factor is being around someone who has scabies.

It is often passed between people who live together and between sexual partners.

It also tends to be more common in places such as day care centers, nursing homes and prisons.

Preventing Scabies

Avoiding skin to skin contact with someone who has scabies is the main way to prevent getting it.

This can be difficult, however, since someone can have scabies for 1 to 2 months before showing symptoms.

Also avoiding contact with clothing, bedding, towels, etc. used by someone who has scabies can help prevent its transmission.

You can clean these items by washing and drying them using the hot settings. Or you can store them in a closed plastic bag for about a week.

If you are concerned you have scabies and need help to identify a scabies rash, it’s best to consult with a medical professional to get a proper medical diagnosis and to determine any appropriate treatment.