6 Signs of Staph Infection – What You Should Know

Have you developed boils on your skin or maybe a skin infection that’s especially painful or irritating?

This could be a sign that you have a staph infection.

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Below we look at the signs of staph infection as well as its causes and prevention.

6 Signs of Staph Infection

1. Skin Infections including:

  • Boils
  • Pustules
  • Cellulitis
  • Impetigo (a painful, contagious rash)
  • Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (blisters, rash and fever)

2. Food poisoning

3. Sepsis

4. Toxic Shock Syndrome

5. Septic Arthritis (joint swelling coupled with severe pain in the joint and a fever)

6. Blood poisoning (results in fever and low blood pressure)

Up next, 5 causes of staph infection.

5 Causes of Staph Infection

Staph infection is caused by Staphylococcus bacteria.

Up to 30% of the population carries this bacteria but even those that do usually don’t develop staph infections.

Infections typically develop when there is a break in the skin. There are also risk factors that make people more likely to develop a staph infection including:

  • Existing health conditions (including diabetes, cancer, cystic fibrosis, eczema and weakened immune systems)
  • Playing contact sports
  • Eating or preparing food in unsanitary conditions
  • Hospitalization
  • Using “Invasive” devices like catheters, feeding or breathing tubes, and dialysis tubing

Up next, 5 ways to preventing staph infections.

5 Ways of Preventing Staph Infections

There are some things you can do to prevent a staph infection including:

  • Washing your hands
  • Not sharing personal items (ie. towels, razors, athletic equipment and clothes)
  • Clean broken skin wounds using antibiotic ointment and keep them covered
  • Changing tampons frequently
  • Wash clothes and bedding using hot water

If you are experiencing any of the signs of staph infection above, it’s best to consult with a medical professional to get a proper medical diagnosis and treatment if appropriate.