the pros and cons of hemorrhoid laser surgery

The Pros And Cons Of Laser Hemorrhoid Surgery

If you’re struggling with hemorrhoids (aka. piles) and haven’t found relief through traditional treatments, laser therapy may be the solution you’re looking for. 

Traditional options for getting rid of piles include rubber band ligation, freezing of piles or cutting them off with an energy beam.

Laser hemorrhoid surgery is the latest advancement in treating piles and is growing in popularity due to its many benefits. But like any medical procedure, you’ll want to understand the pros and cons before making a decision. 

In this article, we’ll provide you with an overview of the benefits and drawbacks of laser hemorrhoid surgery to help you decide if it’s a good option for you. 

So, if you’re ready to learn more about this cutting-edge treatment option, keep reading!

Pros And Cons Of Laser Hemorrhoid Surgery


Minimal Blood Loss

For all types of surgeries, the amount of blood loss that occurs during the procedure is a critical concern. And hemorrhoid surgery is no different.

However, you can keep blood loss to a minimum with laser surgery. When piles are sliced with a laser, the beam also partially seals the tissues and blood vessels. This results in significantly less blood loss than if the surgeon did not use a laser.

Some medical specialists consider the amount of blood loss to be negligible. When a wound is closed, even partially, the danger of infection is considerably reduced. Again, with a laser, this danger is reduced significantly.

You Will Not Feel Much Pain

In comparison to scalpel incisions, laser cutting is often less painful. Even if the surgery is performed under local anesthetic, as soon as the anesthesia wears off, the patient will begin to feel pain. In the case of laser surgery, pain and side effects are lower when compared to traditional surgery.

Outpatient Treatment

You probably want to keep your time in the hospital to a minimum. This is another situation where there’s good news for those who have laser surgery for hemorrhoids. 

With this treatment, you do not need to stay in the hospital for very long. In fact, once the procedure is done, you can usually expect to leave about an hour later. 

Quick Recovery

Reduced blood loss, decreased risk of infection, and partially sealed tissues after surgery all contribute to a speedy recovery of the surgical site. People who have undergone laser surgery for the treatment of piles can typically return to work one week after the procedure.

The Treatment Is Precise

Because laser beams are so thin and accurate, they are used in numerous industries, including medical technology. An experienced urologist or gastro surgeon can use a laser to remove only the sick portion of the body while keeping the healthy portions intact.



In order to perform laser surgery, there is some pretty expensive equipment that the medical team needs to use. Because of this, not every hospital or medical clinic has the tools to perform laser hemorrhoid surgery. 

This results in laser treatment being more expensive than other methods of hemorrhoid removal.  

Technical Issues

Lasers aren’t perfect. For example, there have been situations where the equipment the doctors use with the lasers had caught on fire during the procedure. 

This is very rare, however. And it is important to go to a medical facility with highly trained professionals. 

Laser Hemorrhoid Surgery

Laser hemorrhoid surgery can be an excellent option for those who need to get rid of piles. You can do it on an outpatient basis, reduce the risk of blood loss and other side effects, and the surgeon can be much more precise.

Now that you know the pros and cons of laser hemorrhoid surgery, talk to a professional to see if you can avoid traditional surgery in this very sensitive area.