tinnitus treatments

Tinnitus (Ringing Ear) Treatments, Causes and Symptoms

Do you hear noises in one or both your ears, that no one else around you can hear? 

This could be a medical condition known as tinnitus. It isn’t caused by an external sound, rather internal issues. And it is actually more common than you think.

In fact, tinnitus affects around 15% to 20% of people. It is more common in older adults. Usually, tinnitus is caused by an underlying health condition. This includes an ear injury, age-related hearing loss, or a problem with a person’s circulatory system. 

Tinnitus Symptoms

Symptoms of tinnitus includes:

  • Hearing noises in your ear that no one hears including:
    • Ringing noises
    • Roaring noises
    • Clicking noises
    • Hissing noises
    • Buzzing noises
    • Humming noises
    • Whooshing noises
    • Rythmic pulsing
  • Hearing noises in one or both ears
  • Inability to concentrate because of the noise

Tinnitus symptoms may come and go, or a person may hear the noises all the time. 

Causes of Tinnitus

As mentioned before, tinnitus is often caused by an underlying health condition. This may include hearing loss, ear infection, head or neck injuries, some medications, ear canal blockage, muscle spasms inside the ears and other chronic conditions. 

There are cases when tinnitus goes away on its own without treatment. However, you should see a doctor when you experience tinnitus after an upper respiratory infection, if your tinnitus doesn’t improve after a week, if you experience hearing loss, or dizziness with tinnitus. You should also see a doctor if your tinnitus causes you to experience anxiety and depression.

Tinnitus Treatments

Because tinnitus is often caused by an underlying health condition, the treatment varies from person to person. Treatment usually includes treating the underlying health condition. 

Doctors may prescribe medications, including antidepressants for those who are experiencing anxiety and depression along with their tinnitus. Additionally, doctors may prescribe hearing aids, and masking devices. 

When medication doesn’t improve tinnitus, doctors may recommend Tinnitus Retraining Therapy or TRT, Biofeedback, Cochlear Implants, Dental Treatments, Cognitive Therapy, and other alternative treatments.

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