If you experience ocular migraines often, you know it causes stars or blind spots in your vision. While it is only temporary, it can be dangerous when it suddenly occurs while you’re driving or you’re working. Below we’ll look at how to prevent ocular migraines.
Oftentimes, ocular migraines are caused by reduced blood flow or spasms of blood vessels in the retina.
Usually, the ocular migraine goes away on its own. But it’s often followed by a migraine headache.
Ocular Migraine Symptoms
Common symptoms of ocular migraines include small blind spots in one eye, flashing stars, and zigzag lines. It can also affect your peripheral vision.
It happens to just one eye. However, if the spots get larger, it can be difficult for you to drive, read, write, or do anything safely.
The symptoms usually last less than sixty minutes.
Causes of Ocular Migraines
Ocular migraines are much more common in women between the age 30-39, and less common in men. The causes vary, but usually, family history, stress, the environment, and your health status plays a huge factor.
How To Prevent Ocular Migraines
There’s no specific prevention for ocular migraines, just like there is no specific cure. However, you can reduce the risk of ocular migraines by avoiding your migraine triggers.
Migraine triggers often include:
- Bright lights
- Any food that contains high monosodium glutamate or MSG
- Strobe lights
- Blinking lights
- Loud sounds
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Smell or odor
- Sudden weather changes
- Caffeine overload, or even withdrawal from caffeine
- Alcoholic beverages
- Any food that are high in nitrates such as luncheon meats and hot dogs
- Artificial sweeteners
- Any food with tyramine such as soy products, hard sausages, aged cheese, etc.
Triggers will vary from person to person. Understanding your specific triggers can be helpful in preventing ocular migraines.
It can be a big help to keep a journal of the most common triggers that causes you to get a migraine. This way, you can easily recognize these triggers and avoid them whenever possible.
As we mentioned, ocular migraines usually go away on their own. And while it can be disorienting and distressing, they are often short-lived. If you take some time away from the triggers, or try to avoid them as much as possible, ocular migraine symptoms usually fades away.
However, if symptoms persist, and if you experience migraine more than 15 days a month, it is best to consult with a medical care professional.
Guide to Migraines
This article is part of our Guide to Migraine Treatments and Causes.
Check out the next topic in this series: Does CBD Help Migraines?